EURAM 2024
submission deadline:
Together with an international group of renowned scholars, we are organizing the track Managing Creativity for Innovation: Design, Collaborative Spaces, and People at the 2024 annual conference of the European Academy of Management hosted by the University of Bath, UK.
Under what circumstances (creative situations) can people best engage in creative processes to produce creative outcomes? Over the last decades, scholars accumulated a vast body of knowledge how we can best attract, select, and develop creative people, deliberately manage creative processes, and create organizational work environments that nurture creativity. Yet, most of the existing knowledge relating to these issues is fragmented across multiple disciplines. Today, organizational creativity faces new challenges linked to open innovation, complex ecosystems, new technologies, that make it necessary to develop research about conceptual aspects and practices in relation with creativity.
This track intends to stimulate a multi-disciplinary debate of topics relevant for managing creativity and people for innovation, including:

The track also intends to stimulate debates on contemporary issues:
1. Collaborative spaces: In recent years, we have been witnessing the emergence of collaborative spaces such as coworking spaces, maker spaces, fab labs, hacker spaces, or living labs. All these spaces share a focus on openness, peer-production, knowledge sharing and collaboration. At the local level, they act as 'third places' that serve as local anchors for both, local and global, communities. But, if entrepreneurship capabilities are largely based on networks structure, the role of these spaces in knowledge networks remains unclear. This raises questions about the dynamics of collective creativity, innovation, and collaboration taking place inside these labs and how we can conceptualize and investigate them.
2. New forms of work and human machine interaction: Digitization enables increasingly virtual and dispersed forms of collaboration for a broad range of people blurring boundaries between their work and family lives which radically changes the typical kind of environment they experience in their daily work. This raises questions how elements of the work environment such as physical space or organizational culture influence these (partially) distributed forms of creative collaboration and how they can be managed from an organizational perspective. Progress in artificial intelligence further raises questions about how these human-machine interactions transform creative processes.
Download the full call for papers here:
(209,6 KB) vom 21.09.2023
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